
Day One

Welcome to Day One of Virtual VBS!

God created all things, and it was good. God created man to love, honor, obey, and give thanks to Him - and to show that He is most special of all by enjoying Him (Psalm 33:8-9).

Verse of the Day

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
Genesis 1:1

Intro to VBS

Ms. Amy has a special welcome message for our first ever virtual VBS.

Click on the button below to view a .pdf of today's instructions.

Snacks Ingredients

Mr. Billy unpacks the snack ingredients for the week and tells you what to use for each day of the week.

Bible Lesson

Mr. Bradley shares from the Bible about how God created everything for His glory - including you!


Mrs. Shanna and the Cory kids show you how to make your own creation using the Plus Plus toys from your VBS kit.

Snacks with Swifty

Mr. Billy walks you through today's special snack, a sweet treat to represent God's work of creation in Genesis 1.

Beach Ball Prayer Time

Ms. Amy explains the first part of the A.C.T.S. prayer model - Adoration. Learn how to adore God in prayer.


  1. Share videos or pics of your kiddos going through their activities with the hashtag #capstonevirtualvbs2020 and tag Capstone Kids:
    Instagram -> @capstone_kids
    FaceBook -> @capstonekids
  2. If your child would like to chat with a leader, we'd love for them to FaceTime. Email Ms. Amy at Amy@capstonechurch.org to set up a time.
  3. How can we pray for you? Complete the form below and our staff and Kidmin leaders will pray for you.